Tag Archives: Webstore

Farm Happenings: Winter Edition

Little Bebe Plants Days are busy in the greenhouse as we start seedlings that will kick off our Spring season – kale, onions, radishes, broccoli, and more are now in their infancy. Greenhouse work is one of the more delightful jobs as it’s a balmy 62 degrees and humid, it’s tropical really. And somehow we are still […]

A Look Back at 2020 on Rootbound Farm

A Year in Review: Where to start? 2020 was certainly a year without parallel in most of our lifetimes. It has been disorienting and heartbreaking to see so much loss of life and livelihood throughout our community.  And in a year full of contradictions, we have experienced immense hope and opportunity for the future, especially in our little corner […]

Last Week of Our (regular) CSA!

Wow, we made it! Thank you for joining us this year for the CSA season – an unprecedented season in many ways.  This year brought unforeseen challenges for all of us. In the midst of spiraling and pivoting, life keeps going on. From our little corner of the world on the farm we don’t always get to know […]