Tag Archives: Tomatoes

Week 16 – Farm Clean Up & Recipes

As summer comes to an end and fall is in the air, the farm undergoes a big transition. Above, Bucky is using a tractor implement to lift the plastic and irrigation lines out of a summer crop field that will soon be prepped for winter cover crop planting. All of our veggie beds will be […]

The Rootbound Chicken Story & Recipe for Week 14

This week we wanted to take a deeper dive into our newest enterprise on the farm, the chickens! We’re finding this journey to be exciting and challenging and most importantly, beneficial to our farm and our customers.  Our chicken story feels like a natural evolution of our farming story.

Recipe Recap – Week 10

This is the time of year to make bowls! Bowls? It’s an easy formula for a delicious meal. Protein (ex: lamb, chicken) + starch (ex: rice, quinoa) + veggies  + dip (ex: hummus, tzatzki) = a bowl. With cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes aplenty, this is a great week for Mediterranean lamb bowls with pita and […]

Recipe Recap – Week 18

Celeriac! The ugliest veggie of all? Celery root (a.k.a. celeriac) is a knobby, bulbous root vegetable, its distinctive flavor—think celery meets parsley—is too good to ignore.

Recipe Recap – Week 14

Did you have any idea that okra had such gorgeous flowers? I did not until I saw them for myself at Rootbound Farm. These large, yellow flowers invite you to come in for a closer look, as they sway above the tall crops. There are numerous reasons I love my Rootbound CSA, and one is […]

Field Notes from Farmer Ben

The last few weeks on the farm have been splendid by August standards.  We’ve had some hot days and soaked shirts but more than that we’ve had cool mornings and days in the mid-80’s.  We’ve also had plenty of moisture.  This time of year we often find the pastures crispy brown and our crop fields […]

Recipe Recap – Week 12

Often times, we associate vegetables with certain seasons or specific dishes. Tomatoes feel like summer time, and butternut squash reminds us of fall, and comforting smells coming from the oven. Part of the fun of a CSA share is discovering new ways to cook the vegetables we are familiar with, and love. This week, we […]

It’s Tomato Season!

Right now we have okra, tomatoes of all varieties, and cantaloupe. It feels like a summer picnic has arrived when that box gets unpacked. Everything is delicious and juicy. I find myself sounding like a Stark with our CSA box this time of year: winter is coming. Winter will indeed come, and I want the […]