Tag Archives: Snow Peas

Ben’s Big Award! & Recipe Recap – Week 4

Last week we received a surprise visit from the Oldham County Conservation District when they stopped by the farm to present Ben with the county-wide 2020 Master Conservationist Award. WOW! What an honor! Here is Ben receiving his award from Board Members of the Conservation District. Ben Abell is the Farmer, CEO, COO, Chief Sheep Wrangler, Master Gardener, Freezer Installer, Tractor […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

Any other year this weekend would be one of picnics, cookouts, and celebratory gatherings. We are, however, in the era of social distancing, and our gatherings look a bit different. What doesn’t have to change is the opportunity to cook up some delicious summer recipes with what’s in your CSA share. Below we have recipes […]

Recipe Recap – Week 4

Cauliflower is often overlooked and underestimated. It’s usually what remains on a picked over on a veggie tray. In reality that cruciferous vegetable, is a blank canvas for culinary delights. Cauliflower is not only nutritious, but it can be used in a wide variety of recipes, as it takes on the flavor of which it […]