Tag Archives: Potatoes

A plate of prepared lamb meat with green sauce and a side of roasted carrots.

Week 15 – Lamb Recipes

LAMB RECIPES I’ve been thinking about the idea of “Terroir” that is used in the fine wine world to describe the ways that unique regional differences (climate, soil, and elevation to name a few) show up in the expressions, flavors, and characteristics of wines. I hope you can lean into the “terroir” and unique flavors of this […]

A selection of freshly grown Rootbound vegetables (including red potatoes, cabbage, and fennel) and eggs.

Meet the Team, Notes on Corn & Recipe Recap – Week 7

This week we wish a happy 30th birthday to Oscar! This is Oscar’s third year working at Rootbound Farm. His brother, Pedro, also works here at Rootbound Farm. Oscar is from Nayarit, Mexico, and spends about 8 months every year working here in Kentucky and then travels back home to spend the 4 winter months with his family in Mexico. Oscar […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

It is pesto time! I’ll be honest, pasta is not my favorite way to enjoy pesto but pesto is one of my favorite summer treats on toast in the morning with a fried egg. I also love pesto as a pizza sauce substitute and a sandwich spread. For more inspiration visit 8 Ways to Use Pesto. […]

Recipe Recap – Week 22

“Thelma Sanders” squash is an heirloom variety, named after the woman who helped popularize it by providing seeds to a local seed exchange. It’s a favorite for its nutty texture and is a little less sweet than the typical acorn squash – it can be used like any acorn squash or butternut squash. Our favorite […]

Recipe Recap – Week 12

Often times, we associate vegetables with certain seasons or specific dishes. Tomatoes feel like summer time, and butternut squash reminds us of fall, and comforting smells coming from the oven. Part of the fun of a CSA share is discovering new ways to cook the vegetables we are familiar with, and love. This week, we […]

The Incredible, Edible, Organic Egg!

Omelette, casserole, fried, scrambled, poached … there are a million ways to cook an egg. Well not a million, in reality there are 100 ways to cook an egg. Fun fact: that is why a traditional chef’s hat has 100 folds around it. Eggs are a versatile and incredible food, packed with protein, in a […]

Recipe Recap – Week 8

It’s Friday! As we head into the weekend, we are looking forward to time at home with family, cooking great meals. This part of the season is fun because tomatoes and potatoes are in, and yet we still have cucumbers, beets, and carrots to enjoy. Below we have recipes for dips, salads, entrées, snacks, and […]