Tag Archives: Pesto

Week 20 – Local Food Hero

As we slide into the last couple weeks of the main CSA season, we want to thank you for joining us this year for Community Supported Agriculture. There are two more weeks in the regular season, with the last pickup being on Tuesday October 19th. We hope you tried some new veggies, ate more veggies, and […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

It is pesto time! I’ll be honest, pasta is not my favorite way to enjoy pesto but pesto is one of my favorite summer treats on toast in the morning with a fried egg. I also love pesto as a pizza sauce substitute and a sandwich spread. For more inspiration visit 8 Ways to Use Pesto. […]

Ben’s Big Award! & Recipe Recap – Week 4

Last week we received a surprise visit from the Oldham County Conservation District when they stopped by the farm to present Ben with the county-wide 2020 Master Conservationist Award. WOW! What an honor! Here is Ben receiving his award from Board Members of the Conservation District. Ben Abell is the Farmer, CEO, COO, Chief Sheep Wrangler, Master Gardener, Freezer Installer, Tractor […]

Food Storage Tips and Tricks

Type “meal planning” into any search engine and you will find a plethora of information. Spreadsheets, shopping lists, meals with shopping lists, page inserts for planners, and so on. People take meal planning very seriously. It can be overwhelming to plan out a week of meals for your household, especially if you are new to […]

Recipe Recap – Week 7

We are fully in summer, which means long, hot days for everyone. Cooking big meals on the stove, and using the oven can only make a house hotter during these dog days. A favorite meal or snack in our house is a simple, yet colorful veggie plate with hummus. The mix of colors, and textures […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

Any other year this weekend would be one of picnics, cookouts, and celebratory gatherings. We are, however, in the era of social distancing, and our gatherings look a bit different. What doesn’t have to change is the opportunity to cook up some delicious summer recipes with what’s in your CSA share. Below we have recipes […]