Tag Archives: Green Beans

The Rootbound Chicken Story & Recipe for Week 14

This week we wanted to take a deeper dive into our newest enterprise on the farm, the chickens! We’re finding this journey to be exciting and challenging and most importantly, beneficial to our farm and our customers.  Our chicken story feels like a natural evolution of our farming story.

Several lambs are corralled by a dog.

The Dog Blog! (and recipes too, week 9)

We know you love dog updates, so here’s a deep dive on who’s on the farm! Here at Rootbound Farm we have 5 dogs, 4 of them are “working dogs” – meaning they have a job to do here on the farm.

Meet the Team & Recipe Recap – Week 8

This week meet Austin! This is Austin’s first season at Rootbound Farm. Since joining our team this past winter, Austin has done a little bit of everything including animal chores in the sleeting rain and snow, harvesting veggies on the production team, and working in the pack shed. Originally from Danville, Kentucky, Austin got interested in farming […]

rainbow of veggies

Recipe Recap – Halfway Mark of the Season!

We are halfway through the CSA season! We have a little bit of everything available in the CSA shares, and in the online store. Our last blog was dedicated entirely to tomatoes, it is that time of year after all. Not wanting to neglect the other vegetables available, here are some additional recipes to try: […]