Tag Archives: Garlic

A plate of prepared lamb meat with green sauce and a side of roasted carrots.

Week 15 – Lamb Recipes

LAMB RECIPES I’ve been thinking about the idea of “Terroir” that is used in the fine wine world to describe the ways that unique regional differences (climate, soil, and elevation to name a few) show up in the expressions, flavors, and characteristics of wines. I hope you can lean into the “terroir” and unique flavors of this […]

Meet the Team & Recipe Recap – Week 12

This week we say goodbye to Lillian and she heads back to graduate school. Lillian has been with us for 3 seasons and is part of our pack shed and post harvest team. We wish you safe travels back to Mississippi Lillian! We asked Lilly a few questions…. What is your favorite vegetable on the […]

Several lambs are corralled by a dog.

The Dog Blog! (and recipes too, week 9)

We know you love dog updates, so here’s a deep dive on who’s on the farm! Here at Rootbound Farm we have 5 dogs, 4 of them are “working dogs” – meaning they have a job to do here on the farm.

Meet the Team & Recipe Recap – Week 8

This week meet Austin! This is Austin’s first season at Rootbound Farm. Since joining our team this past winter, Austin has done a little bit of everything including animal chores in the sleeting rain and snow, harvesting veggies on the production team, and working in the pack shed. Originally from Danville, Kentucky, Austin got interested in farming […]

Ben’s Big Award! & Recipe Recap – Week 4

Last week we received a surprise visit from the Oldham County Conservation District when they stopped by the farm to present Ben with the county-wide 2020 Master Conservationist Award. WOW! What an honor! Here is Ben receiving his award from Board Members of the Conservation District. Ben Abell is the Farmer, CEO, COO, Chief Sheep Wrangler, Master Gardener, Freezer Installer, Tractor […]

Recipe Recap – Week 19

Fall is almost here, and the leaves are changing, but our CSA is still full of color and texture. This time of year is perfect for roasting, toasting, and making soups. Here are some recipes to inspire you! Easy 10 minute Garlicky Broccolini Penne Pasta with Broccolini Roasted Root Vegetables (celeriac, beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes…) Quinoa […]

Recipe Recap – Week 18

Celeriac! The ugliest veggie of all? Celery root (a.k.a. celeriac) is a knobby, bulbous root vegetable, its distinctive flavor—think celery meets parsley—is too good to ignore.

Recipe Recap – Week 15

There are great recipes here this week, with that late summer/pre-fall feel to them. While it is still warm, however, let us take a moment and bask in the glory that is the watermelon in this week’s share. Colorful, juicy, and delicious; a perfect fruit. Is there anything better?

The Incredible, Edible, Organic Egg!

Omelette, casserole, fried, scrambled, poached … there are a million ways to cook an egg. Well not a million, in reality there are 100 ways to cook an egg. Fun fact: that is why a traditional chef’s hat has 100 folds around it. Eggs are a versatile and incredible food, packed with protein, in a […]

rainbow of veggies

Recipe Recap – Halfway Mark of the Season!

We are halfway through the CSA season! We have a little bit of everything available in the CSA shares, and in the online store. Our last blog was dedicated entirely to tomatoes, it is that time of year after all. Not wanting to neglect the other vegetables available, here are some additional recipes to try: […]