Tag Archives: Eggs

The Rootbound Chicken Story & Recipe for Week 14

This week we wanted to take a deeper dive into our newest enterprise on the farm, the chickens! We’re finding this journey to be exciting and challenging and most importantly, beneficial to our farm and our customers.  Our chicken story feels like a natural evolution of our farming story.

A Look Back at 2020 on Rootbound Farm

A Year in Review: Where to start? 2020 was certainly a year without parallel in most of our lifetimes. It has been disorienting and heartbreaking to see so much loss of life and livelihood throughout our community.  And in a year full of contradictions, we have experienced immense hope and opportunity for the future, especially in our little corner […]

Recipe Recap – Week 13

Before we started participating in the Rootbound CSA program, I was a vegetable novice. Confession time, I never really ate a salad, or enjoyed a vegetable that wasn’t fried or covered in cheese, until college. I have come a long way since then, and I enjoy vegetables now. That being said, our CSA has allowed […]

The Incredible, Edible, Organic Egg!

Omelette, casserole, fried, scrambled, poached … there are a million ways to cook an egg. Well not a million, in reality there are 100 ways to cook an egg. Fun fact: that is why a traditional chef’s hat has 100 folds around it. Eggs are a versatile and incredible food, packed with protein, in a […]

A dog sits amongst a group of chickens as they graze.

Chickens Live the Good Life at Rootbound Farm

Which came first? The chicken, or the egg? At Rootbound Farm, the chicken(s) most assuredly came first. Today Bree gives you a look into the life of chickens on the farm.

Recipe Recap – Week 7

We are fully in summer, which means long, hot days for everyone. Cooking big meals on the stove, and using the oven can only make a house hotter during these dog days. A favorite meal or snack in our house is a simple, yet colorful veggie plate with hummus. The mix of colors, and textures […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

Any other year this weekend would be one of picnics, cookouts, and celebratory gatherings. We are, however, in the era of social distancing, and our gatherings look a bit different. What doesn’t have to change is the opportunity to cook up some delicious summer recipes with what’s in your CSA share. Below we have recipes […]