Tag Archives: Dogs

Several lambs are corralled by a dog.

The Dog Blog! (and recipes too, week 9)

We know you love dog updates, so here’s a deep dive on who’s on the farm! Here at Rootbound Farm we have 5 dogs, 4 of them are “working dogs” – meaning they have a job to do here on the farm.

A Look Back at 2020 on Rootbound Farm

A Year in Review: Where to start? 2020 was certainly a year without parallel in most of our lifetimes. It has been disorienting and heartbreaking to see so much loss of life and livelihood throughout our community.  And in a year full of contradictions, we have experienced immense hope and opportunity for the future, especially in our little corner […]

Meet the Rootbound Crew: Dog Edition

Here at Rootbound Farm we have 5 dogs. 4 of them are “working dogs” – meaning they have a job to do here on the farm. We have 4 Livestock Guardian Dogs, a very special category of dog. Read on for more about their roles on the farm, and to see adorable pictures.