Tag Archives: Coleslaw

A selection of freshly grown Rootbound vegetables (including red potatoes, cabbage, and fennel) and eggs.

Meet the Team, Notes on Corn & Recipe Recap – Week 7

This week we wish a happy 30th birthday to Oscar! This is Oscar’s third year working at Rootbound Farm. His brother, Pedro, also works here at Rootbound Farm. Oscar is from Nayarit, Mexico, and spends about 8 months every year working here in Kentucky and then travels back home to spend the 4 winter months with his family in Mexico. Oscar […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

Any other year this weekend would be one of picnics, cookouts, and celebratory gatherings. We are, however, in the era of social distancing, and our gatherings look a bit different. What doesn’t have to change is the opportunity to cook up some delicious summer recipes with what’s in your CSA share. Below we have recipes […]