Tag Archives: Cauliflower

A selection of freshly grown Rootbound vegetables (including red potatoes, cabbage, and fennel) and eggs.

Meet the Team, Notes on Corn & Recipe Recap – Week 7

This week we wish a happy 30th birthday to Oscar! This is Oscar’s third year working at Rootbound Farm. His brother, Pedro, also works here at Rootbound Farm. Oscar is from Nayarit, Mexico, and spends about 8 months every year working here in Kentucky and then travels back home to spend the 4 winter months with his family in Mexico. Oscar […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

It is pesto time! I’ll be honest, pasta is not my favorite way to enjoy pesto but pesto is one of my favorite summer treats on toast in the morning with a fried egg. I also love pesto as a pizza sauce substitute and a sandwich spread. For more inspiration visit 8 Ways to Use Pesto. […]

Recipe Recap – Week 7

We are fully in summer, which means long, hot days for everyone. Cooking big meals on the stove, and using the oven can only make a house hotter during these dog days. A favorite meal or snack in our house is a simple, yet colorful veggie plate with hummus. The mix of colors, and textures […]

Recipe Recap – Week 4

Cauliflower is often overlooked and underestimated. It’s usually what remains on a picked over on a veggie tray. In reality that cruciferous vegetable, is a blank canvas for culinary delights. Cauliflower is not only nutritious, but it can be used in a wide variety of recipes, as it takes on the flavor of which it […]