Tag Archives: Basil

The Rootbound Chicken Story & Recipe for Week 14

This week we wanted to take a deeper dive into our newest enterprise on the farm, the chickens! We’re finding this journey to be exciting and challenging and most importantly, beneficial to our farm and our customers.  Our chicken story feels like a natural evolution of our farming story.

Recipe Recap – Week 14

Did you have any idea that okra had such gorgeous flowers? I did not until I saw them for myself at Rootbound Farm. These large, yellow flowers invite you to come in for a closer look, as they sway above the tall crops. There are numerous reasons I love my Rootbound CSA, and one is […]

Recipe Recap – Week 12

Often times, we associate vegetables with certain seasons or specific dishes. Tomatoes feel like summer time, and butternut squash reminds us of fall, and comforting smells coming from the oven. Part of the fun of a CSA share is discovering new ways to cook the vegetables we are familiar with, and love. This week, we […]

Food Storage Tips and Tricks

Type “meal planning” into any search engine and you will find a plethora of information. Spreadsheets, shopping lists, meals with shopping lists, page inserts for planners, and so on. People take meal planning very seriously. It can be overwhelming to plan out a week of meals for your household, especially if you are new to […]

Recipe Recap – Week 7

We are fully in summer, which means long, hot days for everyone. Cooking big meals on the stove, and using the oven can only make a house hotter during these dog days. A favorite meal or snack in our house is a simple, yet colorful veggie plate with hummus. The mix of colors, and textures […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

Any other year this weekend would be one of picnics, cookouts, and celebratory gatherings. We are, however, in the era of social distancing, and our gatherings look a bit different. What doesn’t have to change is the opportunity to cook up some delicious summer recipes with what’s in your CSA share. Below we have recipes […]