Tag Archives: Arugula

A bevy of lambs graze peacefully over lush Rootbound fields.

Week 19 – Seasonal Shifts, Meet the Team, & Recipes

As we head into fall, the animals on the farm are experiencing seasonal shifts as well. Earlier this week Bree, Ben, and Ramon worked 160 ewes (adult female sheep) and 250 lambs. “Working” sheep means we bring all 400 animals up near the barn and get our hands on every animal and take records about their health and growth. We […]

Week 18 – Needed Rain, Meet the Team & Recipe Recap

This week’s rains were much needed and welcome – the dry ground was thirsty and ready for a good soaking and we are thankful to our harvest team that worked a full day of harvesting in the rain to bring us 180 bunches of beets, 120 bunches of arugula, 520 heads of bok choi, 275 […]

Recipe Recap – Week 6

It is pesto time! I’ll be honest, pasta is not my favorite way to enjoy pesto but pesto is one of my favorite summer treats on toast in the morning with a fried egg. I also love pesto as a pizza sauce substitute and a sandwich spread. For more inspiration visit 8 Ways to Use Pesto. […]

Ben’s Big Award! & Recipe Recap – Week 4

Last week we received a surprise visit from the Oldham County Conservation District when they stopped by the farm to present Ben with the county-wide 2020 Master Conservationist Award. WOW! What an honor! Here is Ben receiving his award from Board Members of the Conservation District. Ben Abell is the Farmer, CEO, COO, Chief Sheep Wrangler, Master Gardener, Freezer Installer, Tractor […]