Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 17 – Our Partnership with New Roots & Recipes

Did you know that about half of the Rootbound Farm’s weekly harvest goes to provide veggie shares to families on a sliding payment scale? Thanks to our amazing non-profit partner, New Roots, there are 9 Fresh Stop markets operating in the Louisville and Southern Indiana areas serving 350 families every week. The Fresh Stop Markets are created, led, and sustained by community […]

Meet the Team & Recipe Recap – Week 8

This week meet Austin! This is Austin’s first season at Rootbound Farm. Since joining our team this past winter, Austin has done a little bit of everything including animal chores in the sleeting rain and snow, harvesting veggies on the production team, and working in the pack shed. Originally from Danville, Kentucky, Austin got interested in farming […]

Recipe Recap – Week 12

Often times, we associate vegetables with certain seasons or specific dishes. Tomatoes feel like summer time, and butternut squash reminds us of fall, and comforting smells coming from the oven. Part of the fun of a CSA share is discovering new ways to cook the vegetables we are familiar with, and love. This week, we […]

Recipe Recap – Week 4

Cauliflower is often overlooked and underestimated. It’s usually what remains on a picked over on a veggie tray. In reality that cruciferous vegetable, is a blank canvas for culinary delights. Cauliflower is not only nutritious, but it can be used in a wide variety of recipes, as it takes on the flavor of which it […]