Welcome to Our 2020 CSA Season!

Here we are, at the start of another CSA season. It is an exciting time, one that we prepare for and look forward to all winter. We spend our winter and spring tending the grounds, buying seeds, planting in the greenhouse, raising chicks, welcoming new lambs, and of course some resting. 

As the year rolled over in January, the biggest challenges we anticipated was the new endeavor of adding eggs to our CSA, expanding our membership base, and growing our community of partners. Alas, here we are, living in a global pandemic. Suddenly, there were shortages at the grocery store, businesses closing, people out of work, and families sheltering in place. Every aspect of daily life has been affected in some way by COVID-19. Our hearts go out to all of our communities who have been impacted in unspeakable ways, including the loss of loved ones. The world has changed. We knew we had to change with it. 

We are here at the farm working alongside our staff of 16 people. We have remained open throughout this time, as an essential business, growing food for the community.  We are implementing best practices even though we exist at many intersections; we are a home, a public place, a private place, and an essential food business. Navigating these intersections has been challenging, but it is humbling to be able to do what we love. I am immeasurably proud of a great team of employees who are 110% committed to maintaining a safe and healthy space, and to providing good, clean, healthy food. Our volunteer CSA site hosts have stepped up in unprecedented ways, opening their homes, and businesses for CSA pickups.

Juanca, hauling spinach.

We have seen an outpouring of demand for local food and support from the community. Our CSA is sold out. This is the first year we have ever sold out of shares in advance of the season, and we presently have more than 100 people on our waiting list!  Last year we ended the year with 415 CSA members, and 300 Fresh Stop members. This year we sold out in late April with 530 CSA members, and as well as 300 weekly Fresh Stop members. It was strange to have to turn people away, but we’ve shifted to 100% online pre-sales for farmer’s markets, which has helped us to say “yes” to some of those people on the waiting list.

Lillian, master of spreadsheets and logistics.

I have been ruminating over the many reasons why CSA seems to be a beacon of hope right now. Many of the changes that have been forced on all of us due to COVID-19 have resulted in a re-examination of the things we’d taken for granted with our busy lives: the importance of supporting your community, knowing where your food comes from, food safety, and more time to cook and eat at home. We see folks experimenting with baking, trading sourdough starters, and planting at home gardens. I desperately await a return to “normal” and I hope the CSA model will emerge as a stronger pillar of our local food systems.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to give you peace of mind around your food purchases. You can rest easy knowing you’re getting delicious, organic, ethically sourced, produce, meat, and eggs, from your neighbor. Things may look a little different this year, but the love we put into our CSA is the same. We’re excited to embark on this season with you and are eager to see what you create (recipes and memories) with our food. Whether you’re a returning CSA partner, or this is your first time with a CSA, we’re glad you’re here. We will get through this, we will get through this together.


Bree, Ben, and the whole team at Rootbound Farm

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