Recipe Recap – Week 16

This time of year I often find myself in a cooking slump. We do a lot of sandwiches, which is fine with me because sandwiches are one of my favorite foods to make and to eat. Eggplant is awesome on a sandwich, it makes a meat-y and substantial topping. I grill them on my electric skillet like little pancakes with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar until they are browned on both sides. It’s like a portabella burger.

Don’t be afraid to lean into pepper season! This pepper recipe can be adapted to include any fresh herbs, different ground meats (or vegetarian) and can use any pepper – banana peppers, bullhorn peppers, colored bells, or green bells.

Grilled Eggplant and Pepper Sandwiches
Stuffed peppers with ground lamb
Roasted Purple Potatoes with Lemon Dijon and Thyme
Oven Roasted Okra

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