Meet the Team & Recipe Recap – Week 12

This week we say goodbye to Lillian and she heads back to graduate school. Lillian has been with us for 3 seasons and is part of our pack shed and post harvest team. We wish you safe travels back to Mississippi Lillian! We asked Lilly a few questions….
  • What is your favorite vegetable on the farm? Broccoli
  • Favorite way to relax when you’re not on the farm: Playing cards
  • Favorite job on the farm: Prepping the CSA distribution where we get to portion and package things and make them look beautiful to head out the door to the CSA families.
  • What is the most challenging vegetable for the pack shed to handle? Yellow Squash! It never ends…. it comes in from the field in giant quantities (sometimes thousands of pounds) and we set to work handling each pound with care. 

This week meet Jose Ramon. This is Jose Ramon’s 4th year at Rootbound Farm, he does a little bit of everything as part of the plant production team including greenhouse work, tractor work, as well as harvest and plant care. His son, Cristian, also works here at Rootbound Farm and Jose Ramon is a proud father and grandfather. We asked Jose Ramon a few questions……

  • What is your favorite vegetable on the farm? Watermelon!
  • Favorite way to relax when you’re not on the farm: Cleaning the house and working in my garden.
  • Favorite job on the farm: Harvesting tomatoes
  • What is the most challenging vegetable to harvest? Bunched carrots, especially when the leaves are really fragile it can be a challenge to get them all lined up and wrapped together in a way they will stay together. 

Recipe Ideas this week:

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