Looking Ahead… Rhythms of the Seasons

We have 6 weeks left in the CSA, the last delivery will be the week of October 19th. We are entering a seasonal shift here as we wrap up summer and look towards fall. This week we welcome back the lettuce and kale!  The peak summer weeks are so hot that greens cannot survive in the open field, and the summer yields those brightly colored hard veggies like peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and okra. Now the weather is turning and the leafy stuff is making a comeback. If you’re like me, I am ready for the greens!  In the next two weeks we hope to kick off another round of fall broccoli followed by collards, spinach, and arugula. Tomatoes will come to an end sometime around the end of September or early October. By the end of the month we will see radishes, turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots, festival squish and acorn squash.

In a place like Kentucky, the seasons come on strong and they are wildly different which means eating seasonally is always changing and always in rhythm with the environment around us. We hope that being in a CSA brings you closer to what those rhythms feel like. There is a lot of joy, wonder, and a fair bit of sacrifice too in eating a local diet. We listen to the earth, and she tell us what to eat. In a time where anything we want to eat is typically available at our fingertips year round, it can be a new practice to connect with our food and our landscape through eating what is possible and abundant in the place we call home.

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