CSA Season 2021 is Open For Sign-ups!

A robust Rootbound CSA box with a variety of 8-12 kinds of vegetables.

That’s right! As you’re looking at the year ahead, and making resolutions, you can get a jump on things with a Rootbound CSA. Click here to get started!

  • We have a new CSA pick up location on Wednesdays in St. Matthews.
  • The 2021 CSA season will begin the week of May 26th, and go for 22 weeks.
  • Refer a friend, and you get free eggs from us!
  • Early bird sign-ups receive a Rootbound Farm tote bag gift from us (sign up before January 15th).

Are you new to CSAs? Or do you know someone who is interested? Check out our intro video and website for helpful info.

As always, stay in touch with us here on the blog, as well as our Facebook and Instagram pages. Stay in touch!

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