Daily Archives: September 29, 2020

Recipe Recap – Week 18

Celeriac! The ugliest veggie of all? Celery root (a.k.a. celeriac) is a knobby, bulbous root vegetable, its distinctive flavor—think celery meets parsley—is too good to ignore.

Recipe Recap – Week 17

Last week Bree mentioned being in a recipe slump this time of year. In our household we are eating every meal at home, except for the occasional takeout, so the slump feels especially bad. To get myself out of it, I’ve started roasting everything.

Recipe Recap – Week 16

This time of year I often find myself in a cooking slump. We do a lot of sandwiches, which is fine with me because sandwiches are one of my favorite foods to make and to eat. Eggplant is awesome on a sandwich, it makes a meat-y and substantial topping. I grill them on my electric skillet […]