Daily Archives: September 14, 2020

Recipe Recap – Week 15

There are great recipes here this week, with that late summer/pre-fall feel to them. While it is still warm, however, let us take a moment and bask in the glory that is the watermelon in this week’s share. Colorful, juicy, and delicious; a perfect fruit. Is there anything better?

Organic Diet Decreases Exposure to Pesticides

A CSA member recently forwarded me an article that discussed results from a couple of recent studies showing that switching to an organic diet rapidly decreases exposure to a wide range of pesticides, including glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup).  According to a new study published in Environmental Research, glyphosate levels in families’ bodies dropped 70% in just one week on an organic […]

Recipe Recap – Week 14

Did you have any idea that okra had such gorgeous flowers? I did not until I saw them for myself at Rootbound Farm. These large, yellow flowers invite you to come in for a closer look, as they sway above the tall crops. There are numerous reasons I love my Rootbound CSA, and one is […]