Daily Archives: August 23, 2020

Field Notes from Farmer Ben

The last few weeks on the farm have been splendid by August standards.  We’ve had some hot days and soaked shirts but more than that we’ve had cool mornings and days in the mid-80’s.  We’ve also had plenty of moisture.  This time of year we often find the pastures crispy brown and our crop fields […]

Recipe Recap – Week 13

Before we started participating in the Rootbound CSA program, I was a vegetable novice. Confession time, I never really ate a salad, or enjoyed a vegetable that wasn’t fried or covered in cheese, until college. I have come a long way since then, and I enjoy vegetables now. That being said, our CSA has allowed […]

Recipe Recap – Week 12

Often times, we associate vegetables with certain seasons or specific dishes. Tomatoes feel like summer time, and butternut squash reminds us of fall, and comforting smells coming from the oven. Part of the fun of a CSA share is discovering new ways to cook the vegetables we are familiar with, and love. This week, we […]